BigMat returns to the amateur arena!

Les Bâtisseurs du sport (The Builders of Sports) # Season 2

BigMat returns for a second season of its #LesBatisseursDuSport operation! 

This year, the brand is thinking bigger and will sponsor nearly 500 European clubs in several sports: soccer, handball and, once again, basketball.

Hence, BigMat is becoming a large sponsor of amateur clubs, supporting them with the purchase of equipment for their under-8 all the way to their under-18 teams, so that they can look like real professionals for the 2021/2022 season.

BigMat’s commitment does not stop there! All throughout the next season, BigMat will accompany these clubs in social media and highlight their performances and latest news.

After the 2020/2021 season, deeply affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, BigMat is more than ever committed to amateur sports and their local communities.

There will be a rendezvous on April 29, 2021, to announce the winning clubs!

You may find all the information about this sponsorship operation for amateur sports in every country at the following websites:

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